I connect with readers.
My published articles have been read millions of times on The Good Men Project and have also appeared on Yahoo! Parenting, MariaShriver.com, Your Tango, Ravishly, Alternet, and MeetMindful.
Thomas G. Fiffer
Thomas G. Fiffer, Founder of Christmas Lake Creative and Senior Editor, Ethics, at The Good Men Project, is a graduate of Yale University and holds an M.A. in creative writing from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is a professional writer, editor, speaker, storyteller, and teacher of writing with a focus on memoir and fiction, as well as a consultant on book publishing and marketing. You can find him at Tom Aplomb, connect with him on Facebook and Twitter, and sign up for workshops at Christmas Lake Creative. His books, Why It Can't Work:" Detaching From Dysfunctional Relationships to Make Room for True Love and What Is Love? A Guide for the Perplexed to Matters of the Heart are available on Amazon. He lives in Connecticut and is working on screenplays for television and film as well as his first novel.
The 7 Deadly Signs of a Dysfunctional Relationship
Relationship hell is the worst, right? For anyone who’s been there—and I know I’m not alone—there’s nothing more heartbreaking than the sickening feeling of something warm growing cold, something sweet going sour, something compassionate turning contemptuous, something supportive becoming destructive, and your source of love and healing becoming the cause of toxic damage. Suddenly, what seemed to be working so well is not, like the shiny car you drive off the dealer’s lot that collapses down the road in a heap of broken parts. “But I was just in heaven,” you say. “How did I get to this infernal place?”
Read more on The Good Men Project (over 500,000 page views).
Photo: Gabriel S. Delgado C./Flickr
3 Things You Didn't Know He Wants You to Do in Bed
No, this is not a Cosmo article, or a spoof of one. And it’s not a list of sexual techniques. The secrets to great sex with a man are not going to be found in a women’s magazine list, and they don’t involve tips, tricks, or pleasure points, taking his clothes off, or taking the lead (though those last two are fun). We are, after all, The Good Men Project, and we give you serious relationship advice. The three things on this list may surprise you. They are requests many men are afraid to make—and many women are afraid to accommodate. (No, that isn’t one of them—though some men do enjoy it.) These are three simple behavior shifts that will change your whole sexual dynamic and open the door to new levels of intimacy and pleasure.
Read more on The Good Men Project (over 1.7 million page views).